Love as true freedom
When you are bored as fuck, I don’t know what all you do. But I know what I do, I try to write random poems. I don’t consider myself a poet, but does one have to be a poet to write random scribblings. And this is the first time I am publishing an article from my mobile.
This present poem says that only Love can truly free one from another. I don’t know if that is conveyed rightly or not.
Atoms, noises and forces,
Laws, reason and actions,
Play of Universe runs on,
Nothing else, but these!
Yet the myth of society pervades,
Creating diversities, divided fraternities,
Clumps of equality, bindings of unity,
False pretentions between one another!
Of the two, doesn’t matter
Which story you tell-all,
You and I are seldom free,
Always bound, like we are to everyone!
Heaven and Hell, peace and violence,
Life and death spanning the moment,
Breaking the threads, when I met you,
Love of mine freed you from me!
The image in the header shows many similar flowers, it speaks that we are unique in our own ways like flowers, yet we are common. I will add some hashtags now. I find it funny using hashtags to sort things into categories. So!
#poem #love #freedom #binding